Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hard Sayings of Jesus

Contemplating  “Hard Sayings of Jesus”
I am so amazed with our obsession with cell phones. I just read an article that called cell phones the “new cigarettes.” We immediately pull them out when we walk out of a building, we’re constantly fiddling with them, we’re never without them, and we even take cell phone breaks on the job and between classes. There’s even a phenomenon called “phantom ringing” when your brain tricks you into thinking your cell is ringing when it really isn’t. We let this little object interrupt our dinner, time with family, worship services, concerts, and so on. Are we with anything else (let alone anyone else) more in life than our cell phones?
1.   It’s been reported that people have high levels of anxiety, stress, and insecurity when they don’t have their cell phones. Why is that?
2.   What other devices in our lives seem to take over and control us?
3.   What would happen if you turned off your cell phone for 24 hours?
4.   Which would you consider a harder saying of Jesus, to turn the other cheek or to get rid of your cell phone?

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